Start: 1 GetLabel: WINDOW 2,"Set Label",(1,50)-(600,100) LOCATE 1,1 COLOR 3 PRINT "Value Indicator" LINE (70,9)-(70,13),1 GET (0,0)-(120,13),mov% PUT (0,0),mov% CLS COLOR 2 PRINT"Last Value=";Label LOCATE 5,40 COLOR 2,3 PRINT "Cancel","PI=3.141592654" COLOR 2 LINE (0,20)-(600,20),1 LINE (2,15)-(2,25),1 last=MOUSE(1) PUT (last-70,10),mov% WHILE MOUSE(0)<>-1 current=MOUSE(1) IF last<>current THEN PUT (last-70,10),mov% last=current PUT (last-70,10),mov% LOCATE 5,1 PRINT "Label=";ABS(2-last)/xscale;" "; END IF WEND WINDOW 1 WINDOW CLOSE 2 IF MOUSE(2)>30 THEN IF last>447 THEN Label=5.30795e-315 ELSE Label=Label END IF ELSE Label=ABS(2-last)/xscale END IF CHAIN "Graph-Main",2,ALL 2 Accuracy: WINDOW 2,"Accuracy",(1,50)-(600,100) LOCATE 1,1 COLOR 3 PRINT "Value Indicator" LINE (70,9)-(70,13),1 GET (0,0)-(120,13),mov% PUT (0,0),mov% LOCATE 5,40 COLOR 2,3 PRINT "Cancel" COLOR 2 LOCATE 1,1 PRINT "Last Setting=";points lastp=points LINE (0,20)-(600,20),1 LINE (2,15)-(2,25),1 last=MOUSE(1) PUT (last-70,10),mov% WHILE MOUSE(0)<>-1 current=MOUSE(1) IF last<>current THEN PUT (last-70,10),mov% last=current PUT (last-70,10),mov% LOCATE 5,1 PRINT "Accuraccy=";ABS(2-last);" "; END IF WEND WINDOW 1 WINDOW CLOSE 2 points=ABS(2-last) IF MOUSE(2)>30 THEN points=lastp CHAIN "Graph-Main",2,ALL 3 Help: PALETTE 1,0.4,0.75,1 GET (601,10)-(617,180),mov% WINDOW 3,"Help Menu",(12,1)-(630,185),0 COLOR 3 LOCATE 1,1 PRINT TAB(56)"Other Menus" PRINT COLOR 2 PRINT TAB(51)"Additional Information" PRINT TAB(51)"Quick List" PRINT TAB(51)"Changing The Function" PRINT TAB(51)"Zooming in on Sections" PRINT TAB(51)"Using Accuraccy and Label" PRINT PRINT TAB(51)"Exit Help Menu" COLOR 3 LOCATE 1,1 LINE (0,0)-(392,200),0,bf last=2 GOTO Helpmenu2 HelpMenu.Control: LINE (394,150)-(600,158),1,bf GET (392,150)-(600,159),ve% PUT (392,150),ve% PUT (392,last*8+7),ve% WHILE MOUSE(0)=-1 COLOR 3 LOCATE 12,51 PRINT"Click Right Button " PRINT TAB(51)"Before Making Menu Selection" WEND LOCATE 12,51 PRINT "Make Menu Selection" PRINT TAB(51)"Then Click Mouse " WHILE MOUSE(0)>-1 current=INT(MOUSE(2)/8)-1 IF last<>current AND current>0 AND current<8 THEN PUT (392,last*8+7),ve% last=current PUT (392,last*8+7),ve% END IF WEND PUT (392,last*8+7),ve% LINE (0,0)-(392,200),0,bf LOCATE 23,50 PRINT " "; ON last GOTO Helpmenu1,Helpmenu2,Helpmenu3,Helpmenu4,Helpmenu5,Exit.Helpmenu Exit.Helpmenu: WINDOW 1 WINDOW CLOSE 3 PALETTE 1,0,1,0 LINE (0,1)-(0,179),1 GET (0,1)-(0,179),ve% CHAIN "Graph-Main",1,ALL Helpmenu1: COLOR 1 LOCATE 1,1 PRINT"Graph It V1.0 PRINT"By Flynn D. Fishman PRINT"January 1,1986 PRINT PRINT"Please Note that this is not the Final version PRINT"Since I am waiting for AmigaBasic Documentation PRINT"I also appologize for the need to Chain but PRINT"I found that I could not supply the program I PRINT"Wanted to in 25k." PRINT PRINT"I have Also noticed that the Amiga sometimes PRINT"Reboots while going from one program to another PRINT"If you can solve this Bug I would Appreciate it PRINT"I believe that it has something to do with Memory PRINT"Control. PRINT"You can also feel free to enhance this program in PRINT"Anyway that you could think off" GOTO HelpMenu.Control Helpmenu2: COLOR 1 LOCATE 1,1 PRINT " -Move the Graph Left" PRINT " -Move the Graph Right" PRINT " -Xpand the Graph On the X-Axis" PRINT " -Move the Graph one Page Right" PRINT " -Move the Graph one Page Left" PRINT " -Move the Graph Up" PRINT " -Move the Graph Down" PRINT " -Expand the Graph On the Y-Axis" PRINT " -Move The Graph up one Page" PRINT " -Move The Graph down one Page" PRINT " -Edit the Spacing Between the Graph's Labels" PRINT " -Edit the Accuracy of the Graph" PRINT " -Sho ";:COLOR 2:PRINT "(Not Available)";:COLOR 1:PRINT " lculations (X,Y,Slope)" PRINT " -Return to the Origion" PRINT " -Quit and exit to Basic" PRINT " -Help (This menu)" FOR i=15 TO 1 STEP -1 GET (16,i*8)-(375,i*8+8),ve% PUT (16,i*8),ve% PUT (18,i*10+1),ve%,PSET NEXT PUT (0,0),mov% LOCATE 22,1 PRINT "To make a Selection Point to the Desired Icon and PRINT "Hold Down Button Until The desired level is reahed"; GOTO HelpMenu.Control Helpmenu3: LOCATE 1,1 COLOR 3 PRINT "Changing the Function" PRINT COLOR 1 PRINT "In Order to keep this program Fast PRINT "I placed the Function to be graphed PRINT "in the Program as a defined FUNCTION PRINT PRINT "In Order to Change the Function" PRINT "You Need to change FN Z(x) PRINT PRINT "You do this by First exiting The Program PRINT "By pointing at the Quit Icon PRINT "Then PRINT "-enter 'LIST FORMULA'" PRINT "-delete the old formula PRINT "-enter your Formula after the DEF FN z(xmin)=" PRINT "You Can now run the program with your Function GOTO HelpMenu.Control Helpmenu4: COLOR 3 LOCATE 1,1 PRINT "Zooming In on An Area" COLOR 1 PRINT PRINT "It is possible to Zoom in on an area by PRINT "moving the Mouse to a point on the graph. PRINT "Then while you hold down the Left Mouse PRINT "Button, Move to the other Corner of the PRINT "area that you wish to examine and release PRINT "the Right Mouse Button PRINT "The Marked Area will now be displayed PRINT PRINT "It is possible to view more of the graph by PRINT "pointing the mouse at the Two Expand Icons PRINT "And then holding down the Left Mouse Button PRINT "Until the desired size is achieved PRINT "Note: That as you hold down the button the PRINT "program shows you how much of the screen the PRINT "current portion will take in the new Plot" GOTO HelpMenu.Control Helpmenu5: LOCATE 1,1 COLOR 3 PRINT "Changing the Accuracy and Labels COLOR 1 PRINT PRINT "The Accuracy is defined by how many Points are" PRINT "calculated for each screen There are 600 points" PRINT "on the screen and and the accuracy defaults" PRINT "to 100 points PRINT "Note that the higher the accuracy the PRINT "Slower the Program PRINT PRINT "The Labels are the lines that are drawn PRINT "On the X and Y axis at set intervals PRINT PRINT "To change the accuracy or the Labels First" PRINT "Point to the Accuracy or Label Icon and as" PRINT "you hold down the Button Move the value" PRINT "Indicater back and forth along the line." PRINT "Release the button when you are finished and the PRINT "new setting will be used PRINT "Note also that if you do not want a new setting PRINT "you can point at the Cancel box when you release PRINT "Also on the Label Setting you can get PI by PRINT "Pointing at the PI box when you release"; GOTO HelpMenu.Control Finish: